Friday, March 30, 2012

Learning Objects

I have created three learning objects to help students understand the sport of soccer.

Soccer Rules quiz:

I created this quiz as a simple assessment of student's knowledge on the basic rules of the game. It can really be taken at any point in the unit because of its difficulty and length. It is very easy for me to grade.

History of soccer timeline: <iframe height='390' width='928' marginwidth='0' marginheight='0'scrolling='no' frameborder='0' src=''></iframe>

This timeline is a short history of the evolution of the sport. It gives a brief summary of how soccer came to be what we know it as today. The timeline format is relatively easy to navigate and longer descriptions of events are available.

Diagram of soccer formation:

This final learning object is a diagram of a standard soccer field and team formation. It shows where both teams' defense, midfield, and offence is located in proportion to the other team and the field. I will use this in class around the time that we will start looking at actually playing the game with regulation rules and teams.

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